Trailer from ‘Y’all Better Quiet Down!/Hallå, kan ni lugna ner er!
The video is not longer available for online exhibition.
Conny Karlsson Lundgren
Y’all Better Quiet Down!/Hallå, kan ni lugna ner er!
9 min, HD, color/sound, 2013
| The video is best viewed in full screen mode |
CONNY KARLSSON LUNDGREN | Y’all Better Quiet Down!/Hallå, kan ni lugna ner er!
March 2–April 6, 2014
Introduction text by Anna Linder & Hanna Högstedt
‘ I do not believe in a revolution, but you ought to! ‘
In 1973, the transgendered activist and Young Lord’s member Sylvia Rivera holds a powerful and defining speech in Washington Square Park NYC, where she accuses a relatively new-formed LGBT-movement of being white, neoconservative, excluding, racist and trans-phobic. After being thrown off stage Rivera leaves the political scene and NYC for 20 years. The short film, Y’all Better Quiet Down/Hallå, kan ni lugna ner er!, is based on a transcription of Rivera’s speech, and a performative manifestation is created together with a theatre group who work with a queer feminist agenda, in a collectivist spirit.
In conjunction with the exhibition the artist and curator Anna Linder together with filmmaker Hanna Högstedt has written a speech that opens a dialogue with Rivera’s speech from 1973. A pdf with their speech and additional information can be read in the following image/link:
click image to open link